We use cookies to ensure the proper functioning of the website, and if you agree, also for marketing and advertising purposes. We use cookies in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
You can specify the conditions for storing or accessing cookies in your browser. The administrator of your data is Hoder Sp.k. More about more about storing cookies

Consent for Cookies: On our site, we use cookies and other technologies to make our services more functional and intuitive. Functional cookies allow us to remember your settings and preferences, such as your chosen language or account options, making it easier to use our site during subsequent visits. Functional Cookies: Thanks to functional cookies, our site can provide a better user experience by personalizing content and remembering your preferences. This allows us to offer personalized features, such as automatic login, and improves overall navigation on the site. Consent Management: You can control and manage your cookie settings at any time. To adjust your cookie preferences, click [Change Settings]. Cookie Acceptance: By clicking "Accept All," you consent to our use of functional cookies. If you do not want to allow certain categories of cookies, choose the [Reject] option. To learn more about cookies, including how to manage your settings, visit our [Privacy Policy].
Cookie Consent: On our website, we use cookies and other tracking technologies to understand how you use our site, which helps us improve it and tailor it to your needs. Among these are cookies used by Google Analytics to collect statistical data. Statistical Cookies: Thanks to Google Analytics, we can collect anonymous information such as the number of visitors to the site, the most frequently visited pages, and traffic sources. This information helps us understand which elements of our site are working well and which need improvement. Consent Management: You can decide whether to allow the use of statistical cookies. To adjust your cookie preferences, click [Change Settings]. Cookie Acceptance: By clicking "Accept All," you consent to our use of statistical cookies and other technologies. If you do not agree to the use of certain categories of cookies, click [Reject]. To learn more about cookies and how to manage your settings, visit our [Privacy Policy].
Cookie Consent: We use cookies and similar technologies to enhance your experience on our site, personalize content and ads, and analyze our site traffic. Cookies also help us integrate social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, making it easier to share content from our site directly on your social profiles. Social Media-Related Cookies: Cookies from Facebook and Instagram are used to offer you personalized ads on these platforms and to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. Analytical Cookies: We use Facebook Pixel to collect information about how you use our site, which helps us optimize our marketing efforts and tailor ads to your interests. Consent Management: You can adjust your cookie settings at any time. To manage your cookie preferences, click [Change Settings]. Accepting Cookies: By clicking "Accept All," you consent to our use of all the cookie categories mentioned above. If you do not want to consent to some categories of cookies, click [Reject].

Personal Data Processing Policy at "Hoder Limited Partnership"

This privacy policy sets out the principles of processing and protection of personal data of users and customers (including potential customers) interacting with HODER through the websites: https://www.hoder.eu/, http://kuchynskedesky.eu/, http://hoder-waterjet.eu/. The document also defines the rules for the use of cookies and email sent to email addresses within the @hoder.pl, @hoder.eu domains.


User - a person using the Contact Form within the scope provided by this Policy.
Administrator – Hoder Limited Partnership.
Contact Form - a form where users of the site submit necessary data to take advantage of HODER's offers.
GDPR - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.
PUODO - President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
HODER refers to the full company name: Hoder Limited Partnership.
Cookies are small files saved and stored on your local computer or other devices while you visit various websites.
Who is the personal data administrator? The administrator of personal data is HODER Sp.K., NIP 9372177136, REGON 072151208 ("Administrator").
What information is processed by HODER? Information provided directly - engaging with HODER, in person or online, we may ask you to provide personal data. For example, we might ask for contact information to create an account, subscribe to newsletters, or for information about our products or events, and/or to submit inquiries. Providing your personal data can also occur in other ways, for instance, contacting us about employment opportunities, purchasing products, or requesting free samples of our products, communicating with us through social media or our customer service teams, participating in our promotions, or interacting with us at trade shows or other events. Personal data and reasons for its collection will be clearly specified. We may collect:
Identification data, such as name, surname, email address, postal address, telephone number, country of residence.
Transaction data, such as details of transactions with us, including information on purchases made and the date and time of purchase.
Images and photographs, for example, interacting with HODER at trade fairs or other events, coming to us in person, or sending photos to social media and tagging HODER.
Expressed opinions and other information, such as reviewing our products, providing information about products and/or concerns about them.
Automatically collected information. When you visit HODER Pages, by interacting digitally with HODER Content, we may automatically collect certain information from your computer, tablet, or mobile phone (collectively, "Device"). You can change your preferences at any time by adjusting your Device settings. Some of this information may be collected using cookies and similar tracking technologies, as explained in more detail in the section "Does HODER use cookies and other similar technologies?" below.
Information obtained from third parties. We may periodically obtain personal data information from third parties, but only after verifying that these third parties have obtained consent or are otherwise legally permitted or obligated to disclose personal data to us. We collect, among others, the following categories of data from third parties:Our business partners, external partners, such as cooperating kitchen studios, carpenters, or architects, distributors, and external brand partners may pass information to us, including your name, surname, email address, postal address, telephone number.
Our technical partners and market research organizations, for example, in cases permitted by applicable data protection law.
How does HODER use information? We use the provided personal data for purposes specified in this Policy, including:
Delivering ordered products and services, to manage our relationship with you and fulfill our obligations arising therefrom, including for purposes of internal accounting and administration, processing payments for purchases or other services, and creating and managing your file.
Identity verification – we might use your name and surname to determine if an account has already been created at HODER.
Providing personalized service – we might use data to pass personalized product recommendations we believe you might like, tailor HODER Content to better match your interests or, upon request and as far as possible, offer personalized and individually tailored products.
Analytical purposes – we might analyze the provided data, including location, ordered products and/or services, IP address, and URLs of visited websites compared to our broader customer base for internal business purposes, such as creating statistics and developing marketing plans